PowerMaster ReCyclone: Reducing waste with a whirlwind!

This sounded initially like one of those super machines in cartoons that compressed trash or a new gadget that could shrink stuff. This is where Hollywood takes over and coverts the technology to people and makes them in to tiny little beings and throws them in their own backyard, which now turns in to a Savannah jungle. But we are not discussing plots of flicks here, rather talking about a machine that could help solve plenty of problems that plague modern cities regarding landfills.

The PowerMaster ReCyclone acts like the wind inside a tornado, grinding garbage into tiny pieces and shrinking the need for extra landfill space. Not only does the grinder reduce landfill space by up the 97%, but it is a key component in converting waste into energy. The technology reduces waste in landfills, turns waste into energy, and recycles waste products. Trash becomes electricity or a variety of compost material, organic waste becomes diesel, and plastic turns into oil.

PowerMaster has identified more than 17 vertical markets including waste to energy, landfill reduction, disaster cleanup, factory seconds, and recycling of almost all material. In addition to shredders, the company offers complete turn-key operations. The Processor is so versatile it can grind almost any waste except case-hardened steel. Renewable resources continue to be the focus for PowerMaster with its waste into energy process. Every landfill is a treasure trove of trash ready to be reduced or converted into something that can be reused, thereby providing seven times the amount of landfill space. That is really great for the planet and awesome news for new energy production ventures!

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